1797 - American Kestrel - Falco sparverius - 30cm - Rate Photo
Reduit Beach/Rodney Bay/St Lucia
Photographer: Dave Cullen

1477 - Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus - 105cm - Rate Photo
An Eagle in the nest with one of its young
Photographer: Kramer

1359 - Bald Eagle - Haliaeetus leucocephalus - 105cm - Rate Photo
Salmon River/Truro/Canada
Both a male and female eagle.
Photographer: Kramer

719 - Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo - 56cm - Rate Photo
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 9.00

194 - Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo - 56cm - Rate Photo
Photographer: Dave Cullen
Picture Rating: 4.00