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Show as thumbnails23 Photos/8 Species
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Bare-eyed Pigeon

1654 - Bare-eyed Pigeon - Patagioenas corensis - Rate Photo

Hotel Grounds/Kralendijk/Bonaire

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Crested Pigeon

1626 - Crested Pigeon - Ocyphaps lophotes - Rate Photo

Gold Coast,Brisben/Australia

Photographer: satish valanju

Kereru NZ Wood pigeon

277 - Kereru NZ Wood pigeon - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae - Rate Photo

Matua Gardens Retreat/Akaroa/New Zealand

These two birds were photographed in the mating season so we presume a male & female. They are very large and very friendly. Generally on the decline in NZ but many sited on this property. Feed on fruits, leaves and have been seen eating dog roll.

Photographer: Matua Gardens Retreat

Picture Rating: 9.00

Kereru NZ Wood pigeon

287 - Kereru NZ Wood pigeon - Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae - Rate Photo

Matua Gardens Retreat/Akaroa/New Zealand

Photographer: Matua Gardens Retreat

Laughing Dove

695 - Laughing Dove - Streptopelia senegalensis - Rate Photo

Rosetta Hotel/Sharm el Sheik/Egypt

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 9.00

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