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Show as thumbnails227 Photos/58 Species
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Long-tailed Duck

435 - Long-tailed Duck - Clangula hyemalis - Rate Photo

Martin Mere/Southport/UK

Photographer: Gar

Picture Rating: 6.00

Long-tailed Duck

1066 - Long-tailed Duck/Female - Clangula hyemalis - Rate Photo

Arundel WWT/Arundel/England

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Long-tailed Duck

1065 - Long-tailed Duck/Male - Clangula hyemalis - Rate Photo

Arundel WWT/Arundel/England

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Long-tailed Duck

1072 - Long-tailed Duck/Male - Clangula hyemalis - Rate Photo

Arundel WWT/Arundel/England

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Australian Shelduck

521 - Australian Shelduck/Juvenile - Tadorna tadornoides - 72cm - Rate Photo

Martin Mere/Southport/UK

Photographer: Dave Cullen

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