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Show as thumbnails367 Photos/83 Species
FirstPrev278 - 282 of 367NextLast
Greater Yellowlegs

1259 - Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca - 36cm - Rate Photo

Turtle Beach Hotel/Plymouth/Tobago

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Greater Yellowlegs

1321 - Greater Yellowlegs - Tringa melanoleuca - 36cm - Rate Photo

Turtle Beach Hotel/Plymouth/Tobago

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Lesser Yellowlegs

1034 - Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes - 27cm - Rate Photo


Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 9.00

Lesser Yellowlegs

1037 - Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes - 27cm - Rate Photo

Courland Bay/Plymouth/Tobago

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 8.00

Lesser Yellowlegs

1036 - Lesser Yellowlegs - Tringa flavipes - 27cm - Rate Photo

Courland Bay/Plymouth/Tobago

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 8.00

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