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Bird Database - Search Photo

Show as thumbnails1254 Photos/329 Species
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Purple-rumped Sunbird

691 - Purple-rumped Sunbird/Female - Leptocoma zeylonica - Rate Photo

Rosetta Hotel/Sharm el Sheik/Egypt

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 6.00

Barn Swallow

483 - Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica - 19cm - Rate Photo

Martin Mere/Southport/UK

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 10.00

Barn Swallow

1111 - Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica - 19cm - Rate Photo


Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 8.00

Barn Swallow

644 - Barn Swallow/Juvenile - Hirundo rustica - 19cm - Rate Photo

Leighton Moss/Carnforth/UK

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 8.00

Barn Swallow

484 - Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica - 19cm - Rate Photo

Martin Mere/Southport/UK

Photographer: Dave Cullen

Picture Rating: 5.00

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